
With 30 years experience buying and selling furnishings, decorative and fine arts, jewelry, silver and more in Ontario and Quebec, Pridham's is now an Auction House serving Quebec and Ontario. Pridham's can assist buyers and sellers, who seek excellence, achieve their goal. Downsizing, moving or just inherited from your Family, your properties are handled with great care, knowledge and true enthusiasm. Pridham's is always accepting quality consignments; we welcome the opportunity to assist and advise you. Robin Pridham is a graduate of Reppert Auction Business School and a Member of the National Auctioneer Association. We are truly looking forward to assist you. Josee & Robin Pridham

Pridham's: Quality - Integrity - Service.

Aucun encan.
Pridham's Auction House
P.O. Box 179
Vankleek Hill, Ontario, K0B1R0

Téléphone: +1-613 858-4278
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